Exploring New Techs!

Data Science vs. Machine Learning

Hello Technotizers, Driving any data-driven business to success is possible by making use of concepts such as Data Science and Machine Learning; many companies from the startups to the fortune 500 like Apple, Microsoft, Google and many others go on to use these concepts on a daily basis for their needs and in this article we're going to compare Data Science and Machine Learning head-on.


Introduction to Data Science:

Data Science is a multidisciplinary field basically which helps in finding actionable insights from large sets of raw data and structured and unstructured data at the same time, so when you talk about Data Science it takes an unruly entity, a raw entity such as data and converts it into something valuable and something useful. For example: information; so this process of converting data into information and doing it in the very efficient way is basically one of the goals of Data Science. If you have to talk about data, data is considered to be the new oil because we all know how much worth oil is right so data is the biggest component in today's world of technology and this is because everyone understood the potential of data everyone understood what data can actually drive their businesses. Driving businesses to success is one of the biggest aspects of it, getting good insights, predicting the future and performing analytics and much more and at the end of the day this will of course increase profitability by somehow for all these companies. This could be one of the main reasons why data is in the spotlight today and to quickly write about the impact of Data Science, we've seen companies such as Tesla that has the self-driving autonomous cars and Apple has Siri which is a chat-bot and when you go on to learn more about these concepts or when you want to practically use them you understand that these concepts are such beautiful innovations of today's world. They make use of concepts such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and all of these come in fact under the umbrella of Data Science.

Then you have to talk about UPS. UPS basically saved 39 million gallons of fuel by just optimizing how they deliver packages, so UPS is basically a very famous package delivery service across the world and a courier service who analyzed the routes probably rerouted it very efficiently to understand how better can they produce route, how better can they actually follow along by delivering packages and they saved 39 million gallons of fuel.


Introduction to Machine Learning:

Well what is Machine Learning is the first question you're supposed to ask. Machine Learning as we saw in the previous article is an application of Artificial Intelligence to begin with of course, because at the end of the day Machine Learning whenever we talk anything about Machine Learning it is to achieve AI on certain level it might be Weak AI it might be strong AI or whatever it is. So Machine Learning basically provides computers the capability to learn on their own and to improve or with the experience that they've been using to learn. Machine Learning is a lot of usage of algorithms, mathematics and statistics and all of these on steroids but in the future. Machine Learning will be all about achieving Artificial Intelligence as it was just written even right now we are striving very close to it but here when we have to talk about cognition and achieving Artificial Intelligence as a whole we compare this to human level intelligence and then work with it and of course this future is very foreseeable it's very near and probably by the end of this decade we will have multiple revolutionary concepts, multiple revolutionary tools and techniques which will basically help mankind to get one step closer to Artificial Intelligence. So there are multiple Machine Learning applications around like voice recognition, social media, video surveillance, malware and spam detection predictions and for and many other uses. As well if we talk about voice recognition, again voice unlock is a very famous use case of Machine Learning, then if we talk about social media or Facebook, it recognizes your face automatically, then Instagram knows what advertisements it's supposed to show you, Twitter analyzes the sentiments of the tweet, YouTube, Skype all of these make use of Machine Learning on a daily basis. If you have to talk about video surveillance, think about automated traffic; it finds a system where you know that there doesn't have to be a cop finding people who are violating the traffic rules, it might just be a camera which is smart enough and which has a very good framework and it can pretty much capture people who are going against the rules and find them automatically.


Data Science vs. Machine Learning:

1.     Definition: Data Science as you know is a field where data of any type like structured data, unstructured data, semi structured data goes through a process of being cleaned, filtered and analyzed and all of this is done to ensure there is something useful which can be put out in the other end of it. Coming to Machine Learning, it’s  actually a part of Data Science which makes use of multiple tools and techniques out there which creates beautiful algorithms which are the basic foundation the, fundamental aspect of where and how a machine can learn from data by making use of the experience.


2.     Aim: Data science helps you to define new problems that actually need to be solved in today's world so instead of giving a direct solution to all the problems which already exist this will define new problems and these new problems have a point of answering. And this answer comes from Machine Learning. Machine Learning knows how the problem is sorted out and it helps in giving the solution to the problem.


3.     Working: Data Science works with multiple manual methodologies but when you have to talk about making a machine efficient but by comparing it directly to a machine which makes use of algorithms, Data Science lacks a little and Machine Learning of course cannot exist without Data Science and all of these data which Machine Learning algorithms use to work so efficiently have to come from all the other Data Science concepts where models are basically preconditioned. Data cleansing is done and then later these algorithms are applied to create a model, to train these models, to test if it's working.


4.     Skills: Data Science is a prerequisite of understanding SQL, a structured query language and this is needed because when you work with data you'd be talking to databases, if you have to talk to databases, you have to talk to your data present in the databases, you need to understand how you can create tables, create databases, work with your data, alter your data, delete your data and much more. When you talk about our Machine Learning, it requires a bit of programming in depth because languages such as a Python or Java all of these concepts are the ones which implement the mathematical concepts or statistical concepts and which provide the foundation or help the Machine understand the mathematical algorithms on which it has to use these concepts and work on.


5.     Connection: Data Science is a complete package, it is a complete process which involves a lot of things as told, everything from data cleansing to data analysis comes in the field of Data Science but when you have to talk about Machine Learning, it is just one part in this huge world of Data Science.


6.     Average salaries: Then coming to the next point which is basically the average salary data scientists get, an average salary of somewhere 130 thousand American dollars per annum but then you have to talk about Machine Learning engineers, Machine Learning engineers also get an attractive compensation of somewhere about 124 thousand American dollars per annum as well so these both are very lucrative carriers and they pay really well. And also they are among the top jobs in today's world.

  So on this note you've reached the end of this comparison. Hope you guys enjoyed this article and got to learn a lot from the same. See you then!! 

Keep coding and exploring new techs!!


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